FORUM PER GLI APPENNINI: Un’agenda per le aree protette
venerdi 21 dicembre 2018 0re 9:30 – 18:30 Ex convento delle Clarisse, Caramanico Terme
venerdi 21 dicembre 2018 0re 9:30 – 18:30 Ex convento delle Clarisse, Caramanico Terme
Oggetto: LIFE17 NAT/IT/000565 “CALLIOPE” Coastal dune hAbitats, subLittoraL sandbanks, marIne reefs: cOnservatin, Protection, and thrEats mitigation’. Invito alla conferenza stampa di presentazione – Pescara, Venerdì 19 Ottobre 2018 alle ore 11,00 Gentili, il progetto bilaterale […]
Beach litter is an increasingly important threat, causing a drastic loss of natural biodiversity and the associated ecosystem services. Even if beach litter accumulation in oceanic coasts has been analyzed quite well, new research efforts […]
Preventing biological invasions in areas of conservation concern represents the most cost-effective strategy to minimize the impact of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) on native communities. In this context, invasive Species Distribution Models (iSDMs) are a […]
Un’intrusa nei siti LTER di duna costiera in Italia: l’australiana Acacia saligna
Siete invitati alla presentazione del progetto Hericoast. Verra illustrato il Piano d’Azione regionale realizzato con la collaborazione Unimol (EnvixLab) ed il portale web Molise Coast, realizzato dall’Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo di Termoli, nell’ambito del […]
OpenMICE: an open spatial and temporal dataset of small mammals in South‐Central Italy based on owl pellet data Chiara Paniccia Mirko Di Febbraro Luca Delucchi Rocco Oliveto Marco Marchetti Anna Loy First published: 06 September […]
Caricamento in corso…
L’Università del Molise anche quest’anno ha vinto il dando di co-finanziamento di iniziative di cooperazione interuniversitaria con l’Argentina, indetto dal CUIA (Consorzio Interuniversitario Italiano per l’Argentina), di cui l’Ateneo molisano è membro, che si terranno […]
n the Mediterranean sandy coasts urban growth largely occurs to sustain sea-side tourism, causing a severe loss of natural coastal dune habitats and the related ecosystem services. During the last half-century coastal dunes integrity has […]
Mountain ecosystems are sensitive and reliable indicators of climate change. Long-termstudiesmay be extremely useful in assessing the responses of high-elevation ecosystems to climate change and other anthropogenic drivers from a broad ecological perspective. Mountain research […]
Although many hypotheses explaining invasion success have been formulated, invasion drivers are usually tested in isolation. This work aims to analyze the combined influence of propagule pressure (P), abiotic (A) and biotic (B) factors (PAB) […]
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