EnvixLab del Dipartimento di Bioscienze e Territorio dell’Università degli Studi del Molise si propone come laboratorio di studio e ricerca specializzato in metodi matematici e statistici per l’analisi di sistemi ecologici con particolare attenzione alle interazioni ambiente-specie, ambiente-economia ed ambiente-salute. In questo contesto il laboratorio si pone come obiettivi lo sviluppo di progetti di ricerca, l’offerta di servizi esterni di consulenza e la promozione di attività didattica e di formazione avanzata. Oltre alle proprie risorse umane il Laboratorio si pone l’obiettivo di consolidare le già intense collaborazioni con importanti Università e Centri di ricerca Laboratorio di ricerca teorica ed applicata
Laura Carranza
1990: Post doctoral Stage on CALMIT (Centre of Advanced Land Management Information technologies) Nebraska (USA)
1998: PhD degree in Botany “La Sapienza” University of Rome
1990: Biologist degree. National University of Cordoba (Argentina) Declared equivalent to the Italian biologist degree in Biological Sciences at 1998 ( “La Sapienza” University of Rome)
She conducts research activity in the field of Plant ecology, Landscape ecology and conservation biology. Her research interest includes quantitative ecology mainly applied these disciplines.
Maria Laura Carranza is currently Associate professor in Ecology and the head of the Environmetrics-Lab of the Dep. BiT (Bioscience and Territory), University of Molise, Italy. She graduated in Biology in 1990 at the University of Cordoba (Argentina), academic degree that was declared equivalent to the Biologist degree obtained in Italy by the University of Rome “La Sapienza” on 1998. In 1998 she received the PhD in Botanical Sciences from the University of Roma “La Sapienza” Italy with a specialization in Landscape Ecology. She made a Post doctoral stage at CALMIT (Centre of Advanced Land Management Information technologies) on GIS and remote sensing (Nebraska- Lincoln. 1999).
She teaches Ecology and Landscape Ecology since 1998. Has a sound teaching experience on both national and international graduate and postgraduate courses. She is a scientific referee and expert for several international and national research organizations and offers a peer review services for numerous international journals.
She conducts research activity in the field of Plant ecology, Landscape ecology and conservation biology. Her research interest includes quantitative ecology mainly applied these disciplines.
She is also is interested and has experience in the following disciplines: A) Nature conservation and biodiversity risks assessment facing global change. Coastal dune environments and high mountain ecosystems; B) Suitability assessment and Ecological network design for some Italian vertebrates; C) Carbon sink and multitemporal remote sensed images analysis.
She has published more than 120 papers on Italian and international journals and books, many of them peer reviewed and had presented more than 130 papers on national and international congresses.
Research gate: Maria Laura Carranza on RG
Google scholar: Maria Laura Carranza on GS
Laura Carranza
CoordinatorsAngela Stanisci
Degree in Biological Sciences in 1987. PhD in Plant Systematics and Ecology in 1992. Researcher in Plant Ecology at University of Rome “La Sapienza”since 1994. Associate professor in Environmental Botany at University of Molise since 2000 up now.
High mountain and coastal plant communities analysis and monitoring. Global warming effects on alpine ecosystems. Plant traits and species guilds analysis of sandy coastal plant communities. Conservation biology.
Research gate: Angela Stanisci on RG
Angela Stanisci
CoordinatorsAnna Loy
Master degree in Biological Sciences (1981, University ‘Sapienza’ of Rome). PhD in Evolutionary Biology (1992, University ‘Sapienza’ of Rome). Research Scientist since 2000 at University of Molise, Associate Professor of Zoology since 2007 at University of Molise.
Behavioural ecology of terrestrial vertebrates, Systematics and geographic variation of Mammals, Geometric Morphometrics, Wildlife Management, Conservation biology, Spatial modelling of vertebrates.
Research gate: Anna Loy on RG
Google scholar: Anna Loy on GS
Anna Loy
CoordinatorsLab members
Mita Drius
Ecologist. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Udine, and her Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Siena. She also attended a 1-year Master’s course in Management, Planning and Control of Water and Waste at the University of Siena. In 2016 she earned an International PhD degree in Management and Conservation Issues in Changing Landscapes at the University of Molise.
Her doctoral thesis dealt with the spatial analysis of ecosystem services and functions of coastal dunes and with their spatial prioritization. She’s also interested in ecological connectivity and animal spatial ecology.
Research gate: Mita Drius on RG
Mita Drius
Lab membersMirko Di Febbraro
I earned a Master’s Degree at the University of Naples, “Federico II” (110/110 cum laude) and attended a post lauream Master course in “Conservation of Animal Biodiversity” at the University of Rome, “La Sapienza”. After a four years course, I obtained my PhD Degree at the University of Molise, Environmetrics Lab., Department of Biosciences and Territory. Currently, I am a PostDoc researcher at the same University.
My research activity during the last five years was centred on the investigation of several aspects of Ecology, Invasion Biology, Biogeography and Conservation Biology. Specifically, I primarily focused my research on the quantification of human-induced impacts on Vertebrates at different spatial and functional scales, by means of different tools for the analysis of spatial data and modelling techniques.
Research gate: Mirko di Febbraro on RG
Mirko Di Febbraro
Lab membersMaria Carla de Francesco
Degree of Marine Biology in “Analysis of fishery in Central Tyrrhenian Sea” and PhD degree in “Cranial variability in Tursiops truncatus”. I performed a stage post-degree in Zoological Museum of Rome (Osteology).
Geometrics Morphometric analysis; responsible for cetaceans and sea turtles stranded along the coast of Molise; marine monitoring.
Research gate: Maria Carla de Francesco on RG
Maria Carla de Francesco
Lab membersLudovico Frate
Ludovico Frate received his Master’s degree in Environmental and Forestry Sciences at University of Molise (Italy) in February 2011. In January 2015, he earned his PhD from University of Molise (Italy) in Agroforestry Science.
The research activities of Ludovico Frate are mainly focused on landscape ecology with particular emphasis on forest ecosystems, and on the effects of climate change on high mountain plant communities.
Research gate: Ludovico Frate on RG
Google scholar: Ludovico Frate on GS
Ludovico Frate
Lab membersGiulia Guidarelli
I earned a Bachelor degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (110/110 cum laude) and received my Master’s Degree from the University of Padua (110/110 cum laude). Now I am a PhD student at the University of Molise, Environmetrics Lab., Department of Biosciences and Territory.
I explore the morphological variation of cranial components of both marine (delphinids and phocoenids) and terrestrial mammals (ursids), trying to give important insights on their anatomy, ecology and evolution by means of 2D and 3D geometric morphometrics.
Research gate: Giulia Guidarelli on RG
Giulia Guidarelli
Lab membersFederica Roscioni
Biologist, PhD in Environmental Biology at the University of Molise in collaboration with the WRU of the University of Naples Federico II and the CIBIO/UP, Portugal (Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources/University of Porto).
Mammologist with expertise in bats, conservation biology, GIS, Species Distribution Models, landscape connectivity analysis and Life Projects. Research interests: environmental modelling for the quantification of the cumulative impacts of the infrastructure on biodiversity at different spatial and functional scales.
Research gate: Federica Roscioni on RG
Federica Roscioni
Lab membersDavide de Rosa
I earned a Master’s degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Naples Federico II (110/110 cum laude) and obtained a Master in Wildlife management at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Now I am a PhD student at the University of Molise, Environmetrics Lab., Department of Biosciences and Territory.
I’m an ornithologist and my PhD aim is to focus on ecology of Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus feldeggii) and Red Kite (Milvus milvus) in Italy and Europe. In particular, to analyse the relationship between Peregrine Falcon and Lanner Falcon and the habitat use of Red Kite during the different seasons.
Research gate: Davide De Rosa on RG
Davide de Rosa
Lab membersChiara Paniccia
Currently Ph.D Student at University of Molise (Department of Biosciences and Territory). Master degree in Nature Sciences “Nature Conservation” on 2014 at “La Sapienza” University of Rome with a dissertation in Wildlife and Conservation Biology (110/110 cum laude).
Mammologist, my research interests focus on community ecology with special emphasis on small mammals.
Research gate: Chiara Paniccia on RG
Chiara Paniccia
Lab membersAlberto Evangelista
Master degree in Forestry and environmental sciences and technologies (LM-73) at the University of Molise, Campobasso (CB).
Temporal changes in High-vegetation mountain, Climate warming, Phytosociological Database.
Research gate: Alberto Evangelista on RG