LIFE Maestrale
The objective of the project is to protect the dunal habitats and the temporary ponds of the Molise coast. This area is rich of high naturalistic value with 19 habitats and three SCI (site of […]
The objective of the project is to protect the dunal habitats and the temporary ponds of the Molise coast. This area is rich of high naturalistic value with 19 habitats and three SCI (site of […]
The project Data-LTER-Mountain will develop a distributed systems of archives and access services to data and metadata collected in Italian Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites located in mountain ecosystems. Archives and services will be […]
The international project GLORIA (GLobal Observation Research Initiative in Alpine environments) monitors and evaluates which are the long-term effects of climate change and global warming on the high elevation ecosystems. The project is coordinated by […]
The Long Term Italian Network (LTER-Italia) is a network of terrestrial habitats, river basins, transition and marine waters, where long term researches are implemented (up to 10 years). 25 sites (up to 2015) are distributed […]
Il Centro Studi D.E.M.E.T.R.A. Projects è una ONLUS (Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale), che si occupa di conservazione e protezione dell’ambiente e delle risorse naturali, di sensibilizzazione e di promozione del turismo eco-sostenibile. L’associazione ha domicilio […]
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